Martinsburg Castle

Opening hours

guided city tours only
May - September
Phone: (02621) 914171

Martinsburg Castle with its powerful hexagonal tower was built by the end of the 14th century on the Rhine bank in Oberlahnstein. It was a toll castle in the Electorate of Mainz. The pictorial assembly was built together with the town fortification.

The pointed gate in the east wall shows a delicate cast iron oriel with emblem (1395). The north wing probably contained the main rooms. The apartment tower in the northwest, built in the 14th century, was modified in the 18th century. The south wing is likewise Gothic. The archbishop Franz Lothar von Schönborn established the southwest and west wing between 1719 and 1721; there the main tower (end of the 14th century) is assembled; at its windows one sees outside small console stones for the fold-down wooden shutters. The roof dates from the 18th century.

Source: Mittelrheinforum



Source: Foto Loreleyfelsen Felix König
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