Pfalzgrafenstein Tarihi Gümrük istasyonu

Opening hours

January - February
April - October
10.00 a.m. - 17.00 p.m. on weekends only
10.00 a.m. - 17.00 p.m. daily except Mondays
10.00 a.m. - 18.00 p.m. daily except Mondays
10.00 a.m. - 17.00 p.m. on weekends only

Phone: (0172) 2622800

Guided tours
Fon: +49 (0) 6774 – 745
Fax: +49 (0) 6774 – 8174

Built in 1327 by Ludwig the Bavarian, the Pfalzgrafenstein at Kaub served as a toll station until 1866.

In the winter 1813/14 the castle moved into the focus of European history. Here the Prussian Field Marshal Blücher succeeded in crossing the Rhine - Ren - with his army, which introduced the fall of Napoleon. About this act tells the Blüchermuseum in Kaub, which one should absolutely visit.

Also the ferry-trip to the never destroyed castle on the Rhine island is a great experience. Arrived there you can pay a guided visit to the world of toll collectors and traders of past centuries.

Kaynak: Mittelrheinforum



Source: Foto Loreleyfelsen Felix König
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