Fortaleza de Ehrenbreitstein

Opening hours

Throughout the year
9.30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: (0261) 9742440

Since the 11th century there has been a castle of the Electorate of Trier on the Ehrenbreitstein, extended to a fortress in the 17th and 18th century. This bastion withstood even the attack of the French troops and only in 1799 after one year's siege – it had to capitulate because of hunger. Between 1817 and 1828 the Prussians rebuilt the fortress and turned it into one of the most powerful military constructions of Europe.

It is called the turned-into-stone "Guard at the Rhine".

Today the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress is easily conquered by foot or chair lift.

How the soldiers lived here once and which functions the individual attachments had is clearly demonstrated during the guided tour.

Those interested in technology or economic history, get their money’s worth in the State Museum.

A highlight is the terrace of one of the two fortress restaurants when the weather is fine. Here you can indulge to your heart's content and enjoy the marvellous view of Koblenz, "Deutsches Eck", Rhine and "Moselle", "Hunsrück", "Eifel" and "Westerwald".

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Source: Foto Loreleyfelsen Felix König
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